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People we've helped

Last year, thanks to the generosity of Berkeley citizens, the Berkeley Holiday Fund senT checks to almost 1,200 Individuals and families.

among them were:

  • A single mother of two who lost her job when injured in a car accident

  • An elderly grandmother with severe arthritis, caring for her daughter's three children

  • A teen mother raising her child on her own while working and going to school to complete her diploma

  • A family of four, the father works two low wage jobs and the mother suffers from depression

  • A deaf man who is going blind and has no family and few friends

  • An elderly woman whose income goes for rent, food, and medication, leaving nothing for personal items

  • A Berkeley High student who will be the first in their family to go to college and cannot afford application fees

  • A homeless man with mental health problems who suffers from severe, chronic back pain